Title: The Tailor's Apprentice Author: stealmybike Fandom: The Avengers Pairing: Loki, Original Male Character, Original Female Character Word Count: 2,130 Summary: A small tailor's shop in Stuttgart, Germany receives a visit from society's most disreputable gentleman. A/N: Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who left me very encouraging messages about
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Title: The Trickster's Gambit Author: stealmybike Fandom: The Avengers Pairing: Natasha Romanoff, Loki Word Count: 3,405 Summary: Along the winding path and through the darkest part of the forest, a new tension took the air. Something bad was there. She could feel it. Post-Avengers story line. A/N: I had a really wonderful time writing this one-shot. This is
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Television: Doctor Who, Hannibal, Sherlock, Psych, Almost Human Movies: Star Trek Into The Darkness, Now You See Me Marvel Universe: Celebs, Captain America 2, Thor 2, The Avengers, Agents of Shield Other: Stock Total Icons (80)
Marvel Universe: Captain America 2, Thor 2, Agents of Sheild Animation: Finding Nemo, Monsters University Television: Doctor Who, Elementary, Castle Celebrity: Darren Criss